Jun 14Liked by The Paranoid Style

Any chance of a gig west of the Mississippi?

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I sure hope so! I don't choose these rare public appearances, they choose me.

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Jun 14Liked by The Paranoid Style

Sorry I can't get to the DC gig.

Thanks for the link to the previously unknown to me Lipez and Lipez column. It must be nice to get gotten like that.

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Okay, so I really miss those pithy 100-word album reviews of yours I used to see in the margins of the Lawyers, Gun, and Money blog in the days of pre-Elon twitter. Are you still doing them? If so, please post them here. Also, I always wanted to ask: Tom Waits? "Well, we stick our fingers in the ground heave and turn the world around." C'mon. Who writes a line like that?

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